I believe history to be an essential element to the understanding not only of our present condition of nation and society,
but of the very nature of our species. Moreover it is a quintesential guidebook as to who we are and where we came from. And
irrespectuve of the exploition of history over the centuries for propaganda, social control, glorification, calumny, politics
or religion, the very nature of these abuses also tells us somehting abouit the times they took place in and of the varying
of degree of success and survival ethics and principles of the humans of the time.
In short history is our map-book of our journey through time and space and through the developent of our own mind.
Without history I believe that we are only a fraction of what we should be. And furthermore I know that without
history we are not only lost but in great peril.
And ultimately it is the clue as a to what we can achieve and what dangers may befall us if we do not learn from history.
As stated in my page "Local History" this discipline has been close to my heart since I was a small child. I often wonder
if I should have made it my career in life rather than other things. I still muse as to how my life would have been if that
had been the course I took. Now in my retirement I have the chance to explore my passion a little.
I will be creating a separate website for my history writing in the not too distant future. That site will also publish
a small selection of my shorter articles.