This Spiritual Ethos or Philosophy I devised for the European Spiritual Heritage Trust.
It is based upon careful my consideration (and living practice, investigation and practical knowledge) of the nature,
identity, history and reality of Europeans and of Gaia. It is not a dogma or delimiting of life and potential but all embracing
within the context of particularity to what Nature has created. People of other races/continents also find our ethos &
studies of value as it can help them to find the strength and skills (after studying and practising our ways) to reclaim their
own heritage and assist in the resurgence of their own people towards a Pagan restoration.
1a) The innate spirituality of all European peoples is found in our ancient/prehistoric Pagan religions/civilisations
manifest over countless millennia in all manner that our heritage was transmitted.
1b) That irrespective of our diversity there is an indissoluble link between all our Folk as evidenced and
proven in our said Pagan heritage, which even today makes us a family of nations.
1c) That the strength of Europe lies in the said diversity and that the goal of European tribal co-operation
should be a unity in diversity not a bland conformity.
1d) Our heritage/spirituality expresses the Cosmic Being (Great Architect/Life Force/Totality/ Eternity)
in turn manifest in causal reality as the Natural Order and species aspiration for evolution, a higher being, self-overcoming.
We believe that diversity of peoples, Paganism & regional heritage, as explicated by Arktion is expressive of the creative
impulse of the ‘Cosmic Being’ made concrete.
1e) We believe it to be our duty to care for, re-discover, advance and cherish the values of European heritage,
culture and traditions as representative of that entity.
2. Our Euro Pagan heritage, lore, magick, deities, religions express this creative impulse and represents
high & advanced spirituality of the said eternal diversity and imperative. Paganism is a font of wisdom in accord with
Cosmic workings and Erda expressing Totality we shall one day know fuller as we advance.
2b That this Paganism was caulked before its fulfilment and must now be re-presenced to enable man and the
planet to complete its potential and destiny in both sentient, concrete and spiritual terms.
2c That Nature/Erda/The Cosmic Being evolved and gave Paganism to all the peoples of the world in distinct
and particular forms expressing holy diversity and evolutionary imperative. That each peoples irrespective of race or colour
has an inalienable right to the specific Pagan religions of their ancestors.
2d Paganism, in each varied form, is an inalienable right for all peoples and shall be accorded all rights
and privileges as bestowed on any other religion and as safeguarded by the United Nations Charter of Human Rights and that
no other religion or political system shall; take precedence over it.
2e Messianism/dualism and other prejudices/discrimination is not part of the Natural Order.
- Europe should reflect the integrity of all our cultures-regions-races-languages. Its harmony, prosperity, development
is served by unity in diversity- not a bland conformity, offending the natural order.
- The evolution of that diversity (and of all of the Erda’s races) expresses the Natural order and the essence of
the Supreme Life Force.
4b) That this Life Force is not the monotheistic god of messianism but rather the impulse of all matter and
antimatter towards complexification and realisation of potential.
4c) No one religion represents this God/Life force. No race or religion has preference over others. All genuine
religions/traditions reflective its aspects. A religion is true to the Life Force and Nature if it is peculiar to a particular
people and/or tradition.
4d) This totality is helical and regularly exhibits the flows of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. That this cycle
is manifest in all matter irrespective of whether this be civilisations, star groups, societies, species, cultural forms,
dynasties, planetary systems, pantheons and religions, or universes or matter.
4e) It is a duty to cherish the Divine flow, partake and contribute to its energy- attaining our own divinity
by fulfilling personal and ethnic spiritual potential towards refinement, overcoming, complexification.
- The Universe/Creation’ is beyond ‘good and evil’. The abstract notion of dualism is a blasphemy against
Nature/Life Force, born of an infection, a psychosis that disabled the species and raped the planet.
6a. Europe’s Pagan pantheons, sciences, arts and lore express time and being as helical: we reject
the messianic ‘linear time’ (one beginning and one end under the watching totalitarian eye of jealous god)
6b. Our ancient religions reveal the virtues of organic integrity and all human existence, which should seek
to attune itself with this natural process and fulfil its Wyrd within it.
- A person freed of messianic dogmas can contribute to evolving civilisation. This is enhanced via our structure of Classes,
Guilds, Friths each having (like the old Pagan hierarchies) essential role.
8. Civilisation is organic, a part of Nature. Whilst Man is special and unique within the evolutionary and
terrestrial framework in this part of the galaxy, he is not separate from but an integral part of its fabric.
8b) Man’s place in Nature is not to dominate, control or rule it but to be a partner or steward so
by harmonious association he may fulfil his higher self and aid the Garden of which he attained stewardship.
8c) Civilisation if not distorted by old epoch abstract ideologies fulfils a natural goal: a new species
to aid emergence of a race of gods, to take evolution of unquantifiable matter and life still further.
- Each race and age expresses an archetype/form aiding fulfilment of its potential within a time frame prior to another
Age/ Epoch. The seeds of a New Epoch are laid in the dying centuries of the old. It grows or metamorphoses out of its predecessor.
9b) One should contribute to their civilisation essence. Personal wyrd and tribal should be in harmony.
9c) This supreme goal within the observable phenomenon of Epochs is cerebralisation of the stellar system,
the cosmos and attainment of the Cosmic Empire and the confederated Ethnic Stellar Democracies.
9d) By active "Will" and refinement/improvement of self, and unfolding/manifestation of the "atman" within
individuals can advance within their lifetime to make a valuable contribution to epochal evolution.
- The Pagan religions of all Earth’s races express the Natural Order and the Divine nature of existence. Their dynamic
is expressive of the natural order and the cosmic and evolutionary imperative.
10b Messianic/dualistic religions/politics are of the same seed. The Pagan essence is distinct, represents
the evolutionary & creative principles of the natural order, the Cosmic Being and the eternal cycles thereof.
- Those attuned in daily life to Folk spirit (ancestors, elementals, pantheons, natural forces, the stellar community, Gaia)
and assist the unfolding of these as representative of the Cosmic Flow can step beyond confines of materialist automaton and
commence ascendance to the higher forms our Mysteries teach.
11b Our deities are also symbols for our attainment representing paths for our passage in this Lifetime.
11c) Individuals can evolve in this lifetime. An individual or creative minority can contribute to making
clan/tribe an evolving entity consciously propelling itself in harmony with its natural archetype.
11d) Individuals can attain godhood, ‘atman’, and divine manifestation of spiritual/physical
development. The high disciplines manifest by Arktion’s evolving Mysteries assist attainment of this imperative for
11e). That the goal of life is to serve sentience and cosmic integrity and the Higher Man.
- Our Tribal Mysteries magick, occult, lore esoterica, are a challenge for understanding and wisdom. We embrace and restore
these so by reverence, renewal and adventure discover what is beyond. Magick resides in empathy with Nature and harmony with
bio/ethnic diversity she created and its fulfilment.
12b. There are no short cuts. Only intuitive drive, industry and discipline. and sacred vision.
12c. Each Tribe, tradition culture manifests the Totality, should adhere to its own characteristics/qualities,
resist erosion of Pagan spirituality, fulfil its own essence not belittle itself with attacking others, or lose itself in
the ways of others. It is a duty to reflect that giving us life not dishonour and betray it, and Nature.
13. Our Codes express the Natural order as witnessed in man the sentient evolving organism of Gaia. All behaviour
disrespecting this matrix and Nature, animals, and the folk is an insult to the species and the gods.
13b Man is an example of the Cosmic Being manifest in the evolving process of the Life Force. Pagan religions
must embrace the process of change/seek inner essence not enslave itself to the outer form.
13c That this diversity is also manifest in the variety of human tendencies. That the Natural machinery has
its own set of imperatives and thus manifests for the experimentation in the human organism as variety.
- Man does not own the Earth. He is a Steward for descendants, or whatever sentient species may follow him, with a sacred
indissoluble duty to care for it, creatures and its reality, legacy and diversity.
14b) That reflecting the divine reality of bio-diversity we also accept the reality of racial diversity as
a high manifestation of the Cosmic Being witnessed in the Natural Order.
- Folk destiny expresses the Divine. Its supreme task: evolution. Our duty: nurture birthing of Homo Europaeus so that our
descendants will speak well of us and that their future will reside among the stars and commence the unfolding of the next
cycle of evolution.
"For a Heathen Renewal of the Soul"!