He was obliged to postpone his art due to ill health and dedication to his registered charity for
horticulture/education/conservation/heritage. His time is taken up with this and developing teaching programmes. But he is
also writing books on life-coaching management and enhancement.
Heha also written a large number (over 70) of small books on mythology, folklore, history, philosophy, conservation, heritage,
education, and ancient religions, and spiritual skills. And he also writes and designs & teaches programmes and courses
(and offers workshops) on wellness, self-help, and physique development, spirituality in daily life, , meditation
His books are not only factual regarding unusual aspects of ancient lore, history and , but also
convey a range of moral, spiritual and ethical values and proposals for the way we treat ourselves, each others and the planet
and what our duty and our potential is as humans. All of his work in this category is borne of personal experience and practical
He has also written many small booklets and guides to ancient sites, and a wide range of courses
on gardening, conservation, & landscape design nbsp amp  .
He has also written several hundred articles on such subjects as: Place-names; Folklore; Legends
and Mythology; History; Freemasonry; Architecture; Self help; Meditation; Ancient Sites; Ancient Religions.
He also composed a series of Masonic lectures, some of which he has publicly delivered. These include:
Elias Ashmole; The Masons Apron; Squares, Levels and Perpendiculars;
The North East Corner; The Solar Passage in the Lodge. John Wood The Elder.
Why is it that so much of what we seek slips through our fingers? Are our problems in life someone else’s fault and/or
the product of our station in life? Why are we unhappy? Why is time passing us by and yet we haven’t gotten much further
In this book I reveal just what has crushed me in life and what I have done about it. The result is a set of principles and
accompanying rules and observations that have gradually been distilled over the years from my own experience and a gradual
process of elucidation of the hidden text of life as it were.
It is no great magickal formula. And it is not a quick fix or wand to suddenly give you the perfect life. For there is no
such thing as a free lunch in life: if you haven’t already realised that then read no further for this book will not
help you and you will carry on as you already have and continue to repeat the mistakes of your life. I know this because for
many years I did just that.
What this book is in effect is a simple guide to practical steps to overcome all that we are beset by. It is also a manual
on changing one’s perception on life and how we deal with it. It is also a tool on how to change oneself: not by some
divine intervention or device to makes everything alright. It is a programme of how to gain insights into who and what we
are, how the mechanics of life operate in terms of where we are at any given time and how we function.
These are essential principles, step by step operations, incisive insights into how we conduct our life and how best to function
on this journey to maximises both our opportunities and fully our potential. One might say it is an element to that bigger
programme which I teach: “self evolution in this life time”.
To start this re-vitalisation of you and your life you don’t need to pay for expensive courses or seminars, you don’t
to be rich, you don’t need to have a college degree, or come from an important background. But you do need faith, determination,
joy and passion. You do need to embrace life. need to awaken yourself. Beyond that absolutely everything which I have written
in this book can be achieved by you- if you really want it.